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Cereal Grains and Pasta Nutrition Database

This report selects all the items in the nutrition database that belong to the food group "Cereal Grains and Pasta". Please click on any item on this list to get more details about its nutrition, calories, carbs, fat, and more!

Cereal Grains and Pasta

Results of that search:

Amaranth grain, cooked
Amaranth, uncooked
Arrowroot flour
Barley flour or meal
Barley malt flour
Barley, hulled
Barley, pearled, cooked
Barley, pearled, raw
Buckwheat flour, whole-groat
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked
Buckwheat groats, roasted, dry
Bulgur, cooked
Bulgur, dry
Corn bran, crude
Corn flour, degermed, unenriched, yellow
Corn flour, masa, enriched, white
Corn flour, masa, enriched, yellow
Corn flour, masa, unenriched, white
Corn flour, whole-grain, blue (harina de maiz morado)
Corn flour, whole-grain, white
Corn flour, whole-grain, yellow
Corn, white
Corn, yellow
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, white
Cornmeal, degermed, enriched, yellow
Cornmeal, degermed, unenriched, white
Cornmeal, degermed, unenriched, yellow
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, plain, enriched, white
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, plain, enriched, yellow
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, with wheat flour added, enriched, white
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, with wheat flour added, enriched, yellow
Cornmeal, self-rising, degermed, enriched, white
Cornmeal, self-rising, degermed, enriched, yellow
Cornmeal, whole-grain, white
Cornmeal, whole-grain, yellow
Couscous, cooked
Couscous, dry
Hominy, canned, white
Hominy, canned, yellow
Kamut, cooked
Kamut, uncooked
Macaroni, cooked, enriched
Macaroni, cooked, unenriched
Macaroni, dry, enriched
Macaroni, dry, unenriched
Macaroni, protein-fortified, cooked, enriched, (n x 5.70)
Macaroni, protein-fortified, cooked, enriched, (n x 6.25)
Macaroni, protein-fortified, dry, enriched, (n x 5.70)
Macaroni, protein-fortified, dry, enriched, (n x 6.25)
Macaroni, vegetable, cooked, enriched
Macaroni, vegetable, dry, enriched
Macaroni, whole-wheat, cooked
Macaroni, whole-wheat, dry
Millet flour
Millet, cooked
Millet, raw
Noodles, chinese, chow mein
Noodles, egg, cooked, enriched
Noodles, egg, cooked, enriched, with added salt
Noodles, egg, cooked, unenriched, with added salt
Noodles, egg, cooked, unenriched, without added salt
Noodles, egg, dry, enriched
Noodles, egg, dry, unenriched
Noodles, egg, spinach, cooked, enriched
Noodles, egg, spinach, dry, enriched
Noodles, flat, crunchy, Chinese restaurant
Noodles, japanese, soba, cooked
Noodles, japanese, soba, dry
Noodles, japanese, somen, cooked
Noodles, japanese, somen, dry
Oat bran, cooked
Oat bran, raw
Oat flour, partially debranned
Pasta, corn, cooked
Pasta, corn, dry
Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, plain, as purchased
Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, plain, cooked
Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, spinach, as purchased
Pasta, fresh-refrigerated, spinach, cooked
Pasta, homemade, made with egg, cooked
Pasta, homemade, made without egg, cooked
Quinoa, cooked
Quinoa, uncooked
Rice bran, crude
Rice flour, brown
Rice flour, white
Rice noodles, cooked
Rice noodles, dry
Rice, brown, long-grain, cooked
Rice, brown, long-grain, raw
Rice, brown, medium-grain, cooked
Rice, brown, medium-grain, raw
Rice, white, glutinous, cooked
Rice, white, glutinous, raw
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, unenriched, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, unenriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, dry
Rice, white, long-grain, precooked or instant, enriched, prepared
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, enriched, with salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, unenriched, with salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, cooked, unenriched, without salt
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, enriched
Rice, white, long-grain, regular, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, cooked
Rice, white, medium-grain, cooked, unenriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, raw, enriched
Rice, white, medium-grain, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, short-grain, cooked
Rice, white, short-grain, cooked, unenriched
Rice, white, short-grain, raw
Rice, white, short-grain, raw, unenriched
Rice, white, steamed, Chinese restaurant
Rice, white, with pasta, cooked
Rice, white, with pasta, dry
Rye flour, dark
Rye flour, light
Rye flour, medium
Semolina, enriched
Semolina, unenriched
Sorghum flour
Spaghetti, cooked, enriched, with added salt
Spaghetti, cooked, enriched, without added salt
Spaghetti, cooked, unenriched, with added salt
Spaghetti, cooked, unenriched, without added salt
Spaghetti, dry, enriched
Spaghetti, dry, unenriched
Spaghetti, protein-fortified, cooked, enriched (N x 5.70)
Spaghetti, protein-fortified, cooked, enriched (n x 6.25)
Spaghetti, protein-fortified, dry, enriched (n x 5.70)
Spaghetti, protein-fortified, dry, enriched (n x 6.25)
Spaghetti, spinach, cooked
Spaghetti, spinach, dry
Spaghetti, whole-wheat, cooked
Spaghetti, whole-wheat, dry
Spelt, cooked
Spelt, uncooked
Tapioca, pearl, dry
Teff, cooked
Teff, uncooked
Triticale flour, whole-grain
Vital wheat gluten
Wheat bran, crude
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 10% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 10% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 10% protein, unbleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 11.5% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 11.5% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 11.5% protein, unbleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 13% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 13% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 15% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 15% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, white (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, bleached
Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, calcium-fortified
Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, enriched, unbleached
Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched
Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, unenriched
Wheat flour, white, bread, enriched
Wheat flour, white, cake, enriched
Wheat flour, white, tortilla mix, enriched
Wheat flour, whole-grain
Wheat flours, bread, unenriched
Wheat germ, crude
Wheat, durum
Wheat, hard red spring
Wheat, hard red winter
Wheat, hard white
Wheat, soft red winter
Wheat, soft white
Wheat, sprouted
Wild rice, cooked
Wild rice, raw

Total Items Found: 183

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Underlying data for the BellaOnline Nutritional Database is provided by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2010. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23.


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