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BellaOnline Press Release


BellaOnline Celebrates Our 82 Year Old Golf Editor

Senior Helps Other Seniors Remain Active and Healthy

June 18, 2010 - BellaOnline features editors from all around the world, of all backgrounds and ages. Letta Meinen, BellaOnline's Golf Editor, has been playing golf for over 50 years, and at age 82 she decided to take on a new challenge - to learn the ins and outs of the Internet to share her passion with others. "I got started with computers in 1987," explains Letta, "when my husband was going to retire from a bank in Lake City, Iowa. We needed something at home to keep up with the times. We went to Des Moines, Iowa where there was to be a computer show to see what this was all about. Some of our children were into computers and we wanted in on the trend. I then took a class with our High School to become familiar with computers."

It was a few years before the next stage occurred - the move to the internet. "We did not become familiar with the web until we moved in 1989 to Carroll, Iowa where we could connect to the web. This did not take long before I was checking out and checking in with family and the world. My grandson got me started with writing with in 1999 writing reviews and I loved it. This opened up a whole new learning experience as I heard from people from all over the world and yes they were surprised at my age, but we got along well."

While visitors were impressed with Letta's skills at her age, Letta takes her progress in stride. "I felt it was quite simple but you have to have an inquisitive outlook and not afraid to try something new. I still know many women who will not even try the computer and the internet. I just feel sorry for them as it is the way we communicate now."

A friend recommended Letta explore the BellaOnline network. "When I checked out BellaOnline I thought I could write about golf since had been involved with it for 50 years and love to play. This was after my husband had passed away after a long illness and I needed an extra activity to fill up my time. Since moving to Texas and able to play golf all year I have been able to keep up the writing and meeting a whole new set of people who also love golf. It took some time before I started hearing from other golfers but that has increased two fold and I am enjoying it more. When people started sending me things so I could write a review about it such as books, golf items, clubs etc. that has been great. It keeps the juices flowing to think up more things to write about."

Letta's loyal fans are thrilled to share in her experience and knowledge. "The people I have met here have been wonderful and very supportive. They are surprised when I tell them my age but I get some great comments. They say I am their motivation to keep involved and alert so they can also enjoy their older years. I have had some web sites do interviews with me and they have posted them on their web sites making sure they know my age. It seems funny to me as I don't feel old but sometimes when I talk about some older person, I stop and realize that I am much older then they are. They just act old and have to talk about their ailments. My husband always used to say about older people who came to see him in the bank, 'Don't every ask them how they are, or they will never get out of that chair.' Age is a life of mind over matter and if it doesn't fit into your schedule it doesn't matter."

Letta feels strongly that age is just a number. "Many people dwell on age and trying to keep their youth as if that was the best time of their life. My outlook has always been enjoy whatever age you are in, do not look back or forward and the years coming up will always be the best there is. I am very involved with our golf since I live on the golf course, but I also am involved with the community and church. I am now elder in our church so that has added many extra duties, I sing with our choir and the community chorus and have been President of that group last year. I publish the newsletter for our Mill Creek Community Association and am on that board, I work with the Friends of the Public Library and on that board. I love my family and great grandchildren, photography, cooking, art, golf and of course writing as I have published four books with POD publishers. Life is good as long as you keep a Positive Attitude and keep learning new things. I am comfortable in my own skin but will have to lose a few pounds since I have been doing too much baking."

Letta is an inspiration to us all! Be sure to swing by Letta's golf site at to say hello!


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