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About Us - Rebecca Graf History Editor

July 23, 2012 - Enjoy this fascinating interview with BellaOnline's History editor, Rebecca Graf!

Rebecca Graf History Editor What first drew you to be interested in history?
I have to confess that it was my father. He was a lover of history. Wherever we traveled, we stopped at historical sites. I got a thrill from knowing as I stood on the battlefield at Gettysburg that I was standing where shots were fired and blood ran thick. It wasn't just an event in the past. It was a real event that impacted my life today. It then became personal to me. In fact, my father would hold job assignments that took him near historical places until the summer so we could travel with him. I have such wonderful memories of those times.

How long have you been BellaOnline’s History editor?
I became the History editor almost 3 years ago. October is my anniversary month. I was directed to the site by another editor.

What do you enjoy most about writing about history with BellaOnline?
I love exploring so many different aspects of history. I'm not hemmed in to one area. I can explore Ancient Greece one week and the Cold War the next. I can do a book review or explore the shady side of history. There are virtually no limits. The fact that history is made every day helps to keep me with material.

What unique flair do you bring to your articles on History?
You could almost say my articles vary among themselves. I use some of my papers I write in school as my articles. The style of them is vastly different than articles I write straight online. With the online ones, I tend to be more personal and free. Works from school are more stiff. I've had people say that different ones appeal to them. With my book reviews, I'm honest while trying to always show how the author did a good job. Very rarely is something all bad.

What are some of your favorite topics in History?
That is so hard to say. It can vary day to day. Lately I'm finding myself interested more in secret societies and mysteries of history that have never been solved. There can be so much done with these topics. But you'll find that I'll enjoy the Civil War just as much.

What other projects are you working on?
I'm about to release a fiction novel. No, it's not historical. I do have one planned but now I'm focusing on romance and mystery. I have also started a publishing company with two friends who also write. It is called Silver Tongue Press. Our goal is to help writers, especially new writers, achieve their dreams. Aside from that I'm going back to school to get my history and English degree. I want to teach and write.

What would you say to someone who adored History and wanted to find a career that built on their passion?
Don't let anything stop you. There are more nay-sayers than there is support for your decision. Realize that and ignore them because it is not their life. Fulfill your dreams. Look beyond teaching for history unless that is what you want to do. Most areas of study have more career choices than we think at first. Be creative. Talk to others in the history field. Find out what they do for a living. You'll be surprised at what you can find.

Visit Rebecca's History site at
Rebecca is also found at Silver Tongue Press


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