Greekish Cookbook Review

Greekish Cookbook Review

Title: Greekish: Everyday Recipes with Greek Roots
Author: Georgina Hayden
Published: June 11, 2024, Bloomsbury Publishing
No. of Pages: 288
Cover Price: $28.65 Hardcover, $24.50 Kindle

Love Greek Food? Georgina Hayden has released an excellent cookbook filled with mouthwatering recipes for all kinds of dishes with Greek nuances, Greekish: Everyday Recipes with Greek Roots . This cookbook includes many classic Greek dishes, as well as dozens of innovative dishes that are less known.

All of the recipes are written in the traditional manner with the ingredients listed first, followed by step-by-step instructions, making it easy for both beginners and advanced cooks. There is a chapter on ingredients for those who aren’t familiar, which is helpful. There are several lamb dishes that are tempting, especially since those who haven’t grown up Greek (me) will learn to cook it properly. The Greek flavors are different than many of us are used to, and quite exciting.

One thing that makes this cookbook stand out is that it includes beautiful, professional photographs of most of the dishes. This makes it difficult to decide what to make next, and most of the dishes are extremely appealing. There are appetizers, salads, breads, side dishes, and fabulous desserts that are new and innovative to those of us who aren’t as familiar with Greek cooking as we should be.

All told, this book is inspiring, and I’m trying dozens of new Greek dishes for the next few weeks because the recipes look so good. This is an excellent cookbook.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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